On Sunday, July 30th of 2000, I went to Toone Pentecostal Church. I went up for prayer during the alter call. I didn’t want to give my life to Christ. I just wanted God to change my mind about living for Christ. The guest Evangelist prayed for me and prophesied that God was going to use me to teach other college students his word. I thought to myself, “I’m not even saved.”
Later that night, I went over to my ex-boyfriend’s house. We decided to smoke some marijuana. A few minutes after we smoked, I was sitting up in the bed, and all of a sudden I felt a heat that was hotter than any heat I’d ever felt, then I began to slowly go into outer darkness. The darkness was indescribable. It was a type of darkness that does not exist on earth. It was blacker than the darkest night. I felt pain from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet. I began going in and out of consciousness. I told my ex-boyfriend, I was dying. I knew I was dying and that I was entering into hell. My ex-boyfriend said, “You’re not dying. You’re just tripping.” I kneeled down at the end of the bed and I prayed and said, “Lord please don’t let me die like this. I’ll do anything.” Suddenly, I began to leave earth even faster. The pain I felt was excruciating. I begin to literally feel the worms eating at my soul. It was as if I was being dragged to a place I didn’t want to go and I couldn’t do anything about it. My soul turned into darkness. I was crying uncontrollably. My teeth began to gnash. My sorrow was so deep that I felt it throughout my entire being. It was an unconscionable hopelessness.
I began remembering all the opportunities God had given me to give my life to Jesus Christ. I also remembered all the excuses I made not to accept him. My conscious was a source of torment. I remember my ex-boyfriend dragging and putting me in the car. After that I totally blanked out. When I looked up, I was in total darkness and the worst pain ever. Words cannot describe the pain I felt and I knew it was hell. The heat was scorching. I looked to the side of me, and there was an evil dark hideous spirit, which I refer to as the devil. He was laughing at me. He was so happy he had tricked me. Somehow, I remembered what I had been taught about judgment day. I knew I was awaiting the finally judgment.
Then, I heard the audible voice of God say, “Renee Cobb, I’m going to take you through something and the only way you’re going to make it out is by calling on the name of
Jesus and if you’re still calling on him in the morning you will make it out alright!” So I called, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus and the devil tried to stop me. He put his hand over my mouth but I continued to call on Jesus! All night long, I called on Jesus and slowly (by day break) just like God promised my soul was lifted out of hell! When I looked up, I was in the bed; my ex-boyfriend had placed me there. I knew God had miraculously saved my soul. I felt like a new person, inside and out. I was lighter. My soul was free! I told my ex-boyfriend to take me home immediately.
On the way home, I could not speak to him. All I could do was think, in amazement of how God just saved me. When I arrived at my aunt’s house, who is a saved, sanctified woman, I said, “Aunt Binky, I’m saved. I’m saved.” I then begin to speak in tongues, in another language, for hours. I was baptized with the precious gift of the Holy Ghost!!! Glory to God! I know now the reason I could not speak to my ex-boyfriend was because I would have spoken in tongues. God allowed me to see and experience a glimpse of hell. I was 19 years old when I got saved. I am 41 now and I still remember it as if it happened yesterday.
I have gone through many tests and trails yet God remains faithful. I ended the relationship with my ex-boyfriend immediately. God completely delivered me from fornication, smoking cigarettes, marijuana and many other sins.
Shortly after being saved, Satan tried to cripple me with fear, through invading my sleep with nightmares of hell. Several of the saints at my local church prayed for me around the clock for several months. It was during that time, the Lord taught me to seek him, study his word, pray and walk by faith. I realize now that God was rooting, grounding and establishing me in the Christian faith.
God has used my testimony to tell people hell is real, Christ is the only way to eternal life, we must repent of our sins, accept Jesus and live according to his word. Through it all, the Lord has sustained me. I’ve never once, over 20 years, wanted to go back to a sinful lifestyle.
The Lord allowed me to teach bible study on the University
of Memphis
campus for several years. I graduated from college with a degree in foreign language. Today, I am an Evangelist and business owner with a passion for seeing souls come to Christ. God has blessed me with a godly husband and three beautiful children. I am so humbled by the fact that God chose to save me. Jesus is my joy and peace. He is my portion.
I want people to know that hell is real and we don’t have to go there.