The Cost of Following Jesus

It has been a good while since my last blog post and a lot of life has taken place. I have battled with discouragement in ministry almost to the point of despondency but God has remained faithful and strengthened me. In the midst of the many spiritual battles I have fought and challenges I have […]

The Importance of Prayer

Prayer is to the spirit of man what oxygen is to the physical body. It is absolutely essential that Christians establish a life of prayer. “And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint,” Luke 18:1. The absence of prayer in the life of […]

The Search for True Faith

In the past year, I have encountered a tremendous amount of discouragement. I lost four close relatives and our church closed for over a year, due to the  corona virus pandemic. My prayers have become more intense as I have taken a deep look at my faith, priorities and church. When our church closed, I […]

The Love of God

As humans, when we think of the word love we have a tendency to think of it as something that causes positive emotions, resulting in a person experiencing happiness. When demonstrating love, we often do good deeds, are generous, kind, gentle, compassionate and  thoughtful towards others. These are all excellent examples of how to  show […]

Holy Boldness

As the world grows more and more reluctant to receive the truth, there is a rising hostility towards true Christians. Jesus Christ warned those that followed him would be hated by the world.  “And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved,” […]

Godly Sorrow

When I was a child, like most children, there were times I misbehaved and disobeyed my mom. Often, I would try to conceal my disobedience. However, my mother could sense when something was wrong. In most cases she eventually found out what I had done. Sometimes, she would catch me red handed. I would cry […]

God Wants Your Life

Recent visits to the grocery stores have made me keenly aware of the extents to which people will go, in order to preserve their lives. The empty shelves reflect the human fear of not having the necessities of life. Self preservation is one of the most natural instincts we possess. It is this instinct that […]

The Peace of God

Amid the recent coronavirus outbreak, many are unsettled and fearful of what the futures holds. People are hysterically purchasing disinfectants, food and toiletries in an attempt to prepare for the worst. The global financial system appears to be heading for economic collapse. More than ever, people are searching for answers. The truth is, the answers […]


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